Sign Language

Sign Language

"Phonology" in sign languages

The minimum set of symbolic units or phonemes of most sign languages ​​can be analyzed in terms of seven basic training parameters:

Configuration. Form taken out to make a sign
Hand Orientation: palm up, down towards the signer.
Place of articulation. Where in the body the sign is performed: mouth, forehead, chest, shoulder.
Movement. Movement of hand to make a sign: rotary, straight, swing, broken.
Point of Contact. Part of the dominant hand (right if you are right handed, left if you are left handed) which touches another part of the body: fingertips, palms, backs of fingers.
Plano. Where the sign is performed according to the distance separating it from the body, with the Level 1 in contact with the body, and the Plano 4 the farthest place (arms stretched forward).
Component collar. It is the information transmitted through the body: Face, spoken and oral components components, movements of the trunk and shoulders. (As an example, to express future we are inclined slightly forward and expressing past, backwards).

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